Graphic version:

According to the previous analysis of the most important issues, we will try now to synthesise everything said into some of the steps that we consider should be taken to advance towards the Universal Human Nation.
In no case, this is an exhaustive list, rather it’s a starting point to
which more proposals may be added by those who share this objective. On the other part, we’re talking about very general steps, each step will need to be completed by other smaller and previous steps because all is a process. What’s important is to have a few images of the basic objectives and above all, to remember that to climb to the summit of the Universal Human Nation, the first steps – are the objectives, that are the  closest to reach. Surely those that could be undertaken in isolation in various places.  But let’s be clear:
To move to the more complex steps, it will be necessary to join
forces with others to gain in strength and this articulation of forces will be more viable if we talk about it  from the beginning and we connect with those who are walking in the same way.
First, we  refer to certain generic steps, that as mechanic work, should take into account individuals , organisations and governments.   And then
we will look at the specific steps that should be taken in each area; Those that should be supported by individuals, promoted and demanded by organisations and implemented by governments.

Generic Steps

1. To adhere to  the project of the Universal Human Nation,  defining oneself as a ‘citizen’ of the Universal Human Nation and being ready to receive information about activities that are happening around this common project.

2. Support with your signature or with ideas or your vote in basic consultations, related to some of the objectives, in specific local or regional conflicts.

3. Support some of the activities organised by social movements that work for any of the objectives.

4. Participate as a volunteer in one of the movements or social organisations.
5. Vote for candidates who are committed to the project,  during elections and never vote for those who openly propose opposite politics .
6. Collaborate by spreading the ideals and objectives of the Universal Human Nation in its immediate environment.
7. Propose in the daily life to make progress in behaviour founded
on coherence and solidarity – treating others the way one wants to be
treated – either through simple own actions or through specific training  in humanist values with others.

Organisations and social movements
1. Adhere as an organization to the project of the Universal Human Nation.
2. Practice Real Democracy in their internal affairs.
3. Work for any of its objective, call the volunteers, work on the issues, publicise activities, make conflicts visible.

4. Mobilize to demand that the authorities take the corresponding measures to resolve the aspects of the conflicts that concern them.
5. When there’s a lack of response, publicly denounce those in power and demand that they deal the issue through a referendum and  implement instruments of Real Democracy.
6. Coordinate with other organisations that work on the same issue and organise referendums about the resolution of specific issues, even if they may not be legally recognised, and request the resignation of  officials.
7. Join forces with other organisations at a local and national level so they adhere to the objective of the Universal Human Nation, even if they work on other issues.
8. Organise common forums among coordinated organisations and publicise them on a bigger scale. Articulate with similar organisations in other countries.
9. Increase the pressure on governments in all the issues on an organisation’s agenda and  continue requesting  binding instruments of Real Democracy.
10. Political intervention. Firstly, try to get sympathetic political parties to adopt the proposals as their own and, when they say yes, publicise their commitment and ask for support in elections. Otherwise reinforce the Real Democracy in the organisations’ coordination  and form a new political force to compete in elections.
11. Invite more organisations and social movements that adhere to the project of the Universal Human Nation, join  the political strategy and work strongly to displace professional politicians of power.
12. Make progress in the articulation with related organizations at the international level, to exchange experiences and to  organize together actions related to global objectives.

1. Adhere to the Universal Human Nation Project as a government.
2. Evaluate in which objectives progress can be made in the short, medium and long-term and act on this basis at the corresponding level.
3. Independently of the time that other objectives could take, start in the short-term with an opening to social participation through Real Democracy mechanisms.
4. Contribute from your position to publicise and organise  activities which are related to the objectives, inside the whole society throughout its geographical area of influence.
5. Relate  and coordinate with social movements, organisations and governments that are working on the same objectives inside  its geographical area of influence, in other parts of the country and at an international

Specific Steps


1. Work to raise awareness in those who live in militarised countries about the need to not vote for those governments that aren’t committed to disarmament as a foreign policy priority.
2. Coordination with organisations that work on the issue of peace and disarmament  to organise forums, events and demonstrations demanding of governments, and in particular the strongest military powers, the following points:
3. The total dismantling of nuclear arsenals and all weapons of mass destruction.
4. Awareness campaigns among the populations of countries with conflict to strengthen the value of peace and life in front of the horror of war, and call for referendums to support peace processes.
5. Peace agreements with the explicit renunciation of the use of weapons to resolve conflicts, while conditions are negotiated with the support of the international community.
6. Prohibition of the sale of weapons to countries that refuse peace agreements with other nations or that are in civil war.
7. Progressive reduction of conventional weapons, in accordance with the progress made in peace agreements.
8. Progressive reconversion of the military industry into an industry for manufacturing machinery and equipment for the development of countries with less resources.
9. A prohibition on the sale of weapons outside the quotas agreed  for national defense and internal security of each country.

10. Incorporate the methods of Education for Peace and Nonviolence into education systems.
11. Prohibition of manufacture and sale of weapons for civil use.

At the Crossroads of Humanity’s Future

Refounding the United Nations

1. Organise local and national forums  to discuss what the true role of the United Nations would be, and how its current policies affect each country.
2. Coordinate worldwide public campaigns to denounce the existing hypocrisy in the UN and in particular the manipulation that the powers make of it.
3. Denounce in every country but particularly in the territories of economic and military powers and members of the Security Council, the UN’s complicity with the stagnation in the fight for world peace and hold the governments of those powers responsible.
4. Pressure campaigns on all governments so that they bring concrete proposals to the United Nations for the following steps:
5.Democratic election of the Security Council through the vote of all nations, without permanent members with the right to veto.
6. The impossibility for a member of the Security Council to be a country that attacks other nations, one that sells weapons to aggressor countries, or one that facilitates or doesn’t control weapons-trafficking.
7. Abandon the policy of simple, innocuous recommendations, and establish as a requisite of membership, the fulfillment of the resolutions related to the maintenance of peace, the defense of human life, and the sustainability of the planet.

8. Make the organisational capacity of the UN available to facilitate any initiative that arises from the population which is convergent with progress towards a Universal Human Nation.
9. If there were to be no progress in these proposals within the UN, a bloc of ‘Countries for the Universal Human Nation’ would be established to denounce the manipulation of economic and military powers, and it would refuse to recognise their moral authority to propose initiatives.
This bloc would agree common actions to be set in the direction of the mentioned objectives

Campaign for Global Development
1. National campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of solidarity with all the marginalised people in the world, starting with those in one’s own countries but also committing support to other countries with more critical situations.
2. Campaigns searching for volunteers to donate funds, or materials, or their own work to contribute to the development of other territories.
3. Coordination with already existing organisations and
other new organisations to be set up with volunteers  to channel efforts and material help.
4. Reinforce and expand all activities related to health and education, adding to them job training based on agreements, working for a development dealed and agreed with the companies and governments.

5. Give wide diffusion of help projects to obtain greater civil and institutional support to them.
6.  Require governments to allocate a percentage of the budget for these campaigns, as well as logistical support and international coverage from diplomatic missions.

7. Push ahead with a strong increase in the tax on luxury goods so that it
may contribute to this campaign, not just as a source of financing but
above all as a clear sign of the priorities that a society must have.
8. Progressively advance in the demand for government support, until
international agreements can be put in place in which every country
commits itself to setting aside a percentage of its GDP on a scale from
0.3% up to 3% depending on their level of development.
9. In order to comply with such gradual commitments, establish a progressive
reassignment of the budget used today for military purposes so
that it may be used for global development.

Restructuring the International Financial System
1. Raise awareness of the fact that the worst scourge on the economy and
the worst enemy of democracy is international financial power: a cancer
whose offshoots can be found in every one of the world’s private banks
and that today controls most of the planet’s political power. It must be
demanded of governments that they fight against its domination before
it destroys the productive economy, exhausting States and impoverishing
populations. If we had to define one enemy, this would be it.
2. Another step for social movements in the task of raising awareness will
consist of producing a change of ideological paradigms in terms of our
vision of the world of finance. It’s necessary to strengthen the concept
that finance made available as a result of savings must be exclusively
targeted to productive investment. Financial services and speculation
that have become naturalised as a legal and even prestigious activity
should be denounced and disparaged. It should be suggested that those
who earn a living from this sector look for a dignified job.
3. Demonstrations must increase around the world in order to repudiate
criminal speculation by private banks and to demand a complete reformulation of the financial system with attention paid to the following:
4. Financial power must start to be dismantled in steps, avoiding undesirable
impacts due to the complex web of finance in the real economy. A
first step will be for every country to prevent capital flight to tax havens
through strict regulation, removing any vestige of legality there may be
for offshore companies that operate within their territory.
5. International agreements must be signed to avoid financial dealings
that end up in tax havens, and the flow of capital must be limited to
nations that don’t contribute to international controls even if they aren’t
tax havens themselves.
6. Today’s international financial organisms at the service of economic
power and global finance must be replaced by an International Solidarity
Bank that helps the financial needs of countries so that they aren’t
the victims of usurers and vulture funds. This bank will start off being
capitalised partly from countries themselves and partly through a global
tax on big capital and financial transactions.
7. Any clause in international treaties that restricts the freedom of a country
to impose controls on international financial capital must be removed.
Gradually countries will adapt their regulations to cause a progressive
flow of people’s savings from private banks into interest-free
State Banks and such measures can’t be limited by treaties made to fit
global financial power.
8. To the extent that progress is made in national financial transformations,
the International Solidarity Bank can be further capitalised
thereby allowing it to start to finance regional productive projects, until
finally it fulfils the functions of a World Central Bank, able to issue a
common currency for international trade while nations keep their own

The Elimination of borders for the free circulation of people
1. Work must be undertaken basically to raise awareness and sensitise
people to the situation of immigrants and refugees. This is a task for individuals, organisations and governments, and fundamentally the mass
media have to be put at their service.
2. The population must be put in condition to perceive the humanity and
sensibility of foreigners so that they feel them as brothers and sisters
and not as invaders. Prejudice, the fear of job-competition and the use
of public services, and insecurity must be broken down.
3. Social organisations should generate integration spaces for local people
and immigrants that facilitate co-existence. The clash of cultures is resolved
with respect for diversity and integration, and not with rejection
and the formation of isolated ghettoes.
4. Governments must plan for the integration of immigrants into society
and the workforce, just as they should with local people.
5. Conventions between countries should be expanded to include the aim
of totally opening borders, trying to orientate migration to where the
best opportunities exist but without putting restrictions.
6. Strengthen the concept that no human being is illegal.

Halting the ecological disaster
1. Even though people have been made very aware of the ecological issue,
social movements should redouble their efforts, putting emphasis above
all on the central problem: the unbridled consumerism which is leading
to the plundering of resources, contamination and global warming.
2. Campaigns carried out to prevent global warming and the plundering
of resources should not only emphasise the direct factors involved
in the problem but also the consumption matrix at its root. It should be
explained that transforming the economic system is the indispensable
condition for reversing the ecological disaster and that the culture of consumerism
in which most of the population participates must change.
3. The ‘throw-away’ culture has to be replaced by one in which more durable
goods are used. There must be more sobriety in the consumption
of objects and an orientation towards the demand for services without
environmental impact.
4. Even though every country’s development is a matter for national
planning, there must be agreements for progress in transforming the
consumption matrix. In less developed countries, a growth of raw materials
and service consumption is still lacking but in more developed
countries and the more affluent sectors of other countries, material consumption must be reduced and services increased.
5. Transformation of the consumption matrix must be planned in gradual
steps so that there isn’t an impact on the productive apparatus in the
form of unemployment. A re-engineering of the productive apparatus
should be planned as a gradual reconversion.
6. The concept of ‘bio-economics’ must be introduced in which the cost of
the ‘ecological footprint’ is incorporated into the price of every product
in order to discourage the consumption of products with greater environmental impact.
7. The production of alternative energy such as solar, wind and hydro
must be financed and subsidised and some of the profit from the oil
industry must be set aside for this.
8. In the case of all non-renewable resources, the criteria of imposing a
tariff on products that use them must be implemented, and with this
resource subsidise the recycling industry of those materials.
9. At a national level, companies that contaminate must be obliged to
invest in non-polluting technology. At an international level, barriers
should be raised to all products coming from nations that still pollute
in their production.
10. International trade agreements should be stripped of their neoliberal,
free-market hallmark and instead international trade should be regulated
under the premise of drastically reducing the factors of contamination.

Cultural rebellion in the face of media manipulation
1. The farcical manipulation by big media corporations and their dependence
on private and State economic power must be unmasked for the
population to see. A first step is the publicising of information about
the vested interests behind every media corporation, something which
contrasts with their apparent journalistic neutrality and independence.
2. It must be explained how economic interests promote consumption by
the population, something which leads to economic concentration and
the plundering of natural resources and how the vested interests of economic
and political power influence electoral behaviour so that nothing
very much changes.
3. Progress must be made in a psychological and social analysis that explains
how media manipulation works and how the passive and naïve
receiver can be manipulated. How the media manages to model the
collective consciousness and thereby implant fictitious needs, desires,
points of view, absolute truths, ‘common sense’, fears, trust in institutions,
chauvinism, the value of superficiality, conformism and other
ways of brain washing.
4. Social organisations and movements can work to highlight the problem
and contribute to raising awareness of it even though surely the
production of cultural expressions on this subject will emerge from the
inspiration of spontaneous individuals and groups. It will be possible
to expose media manipulation and ridicule it from the fields of graphic
art, literature, theatre, film and music among others.
5. Cultural productions of this type can begin with the simplest things
broadcastable through social networks, up to and including complete
works of theatre, films, songs, magazines and cultural expressions of all

Human Rights
1. Every proposal in the direction of the Universal Human Nation is related
to one Human Right or another which is why all these proposals
include raising awareness of them. Nevertheless Human Rights will always
have to be underlined, and above all the hypocrisy of those who
systematically violate Human Rights while proclaiming them should be
2. For complaints made about the violation of more fundamental rights
to be credible, they should be free from any kind of ideological bias in
order to avoid falling into contrasting denunciations and justifications
depending on the faction of whoever violated someone else’s rights.
3. More than just raising awareness so that the importance of Human
Rights may be perceived, work will have to be undertaken for everyone
to perceive what it is that makes every one of the Earth’s inhabitants
human so that consequently their rights will be respected. Populations
must be sensitised about the suffering of many human beings,
because although people don’t say it out loud, in much of the collective
consciousness these suffering people seem to be sub-human and their
rights relatively less important.

Real Democracy
1. The first step consists of every organisation and movement working for
any of the objectives of the Universal Human Nation to exercise Real
Democracy internally. This implies, as a minimum, the delegation of
functions through direct elections and mechanisms for swift recall. It
also implies a fluid contact between the people in those functions and
the whole through a flexible and purposeful environment for deliberaAt
tion and participation and it further implies binding consultations for
important decisions.
2. When a conflict arises, those who spontaneously organise themselves
should propose that Real Democracy is practiced in the running of the
organisation, whether it be in keeping the work on that specific conflict
going, or in undertaking new issues.
3. Any time that complaints are made of public institutions requesting
the solution to a specific conflict, there should also be demands for the
incorporation of Real Democracy mechanisms that open channels for
expediting people’s participation in subsequent conflicts.
4. Every organisation should drive forward, and predispose themselves
to, a basic level of coordination with other local endorsing organisations
through interchanges, forums and joint activities in order to gain
strength when it comes to working on conflicts and demanding Real
Democracy instruments. When organisations join forces then this
should also happen on the basis of Real Democracy.
5. Every time organisations coordinate there should be a clear position
on transforming the system with defined political aims. Therefore the
most important thing will be to prevent the strength of the whole being
depleted by secondary disagreements. Every stage of the deliberation
process which allows the direction to be clarified must be followed by a
stage of action that everyone accompanies.
6. As organisations join forces, a political movement should start to emerge
which specialists from different fields can join in order to progress in the
design of legislative projects on different issues. Such projects should follow
a process in synergy with the opinions and concerns that arise from
the joint deliberation body through rapid mechanisms of citizen participation
that aren’t limited to the members of the organisations.
7. At election time it will have to be evaluated whether organisations will
limit themselves to the role of political pressure group (when there are
candidates to vote for who are committed to adopting their proposals)
or if incursions will be made into the political arena with their own
candidates (when there aren’t). But in addition to specific objectives, the
institution of Real Democracy instruments in public policies such as
those listed below must always be a priority:
8. Generate spaces for citizens to interchange and deliberate on different
issues through all available communication technologies and oblige
the private media to make space available to that effect. Facilitate
opinions, criticism and proposals of the most participative people in
society in a meaningful proportion thereby generating a dynamic,
democratic environment that neutralises the tendency towards institutional
9. Inform the population through the media and provide a similar amount
of space to the spokespersons of different points of view about the issues
being debated in the time prior to consultation.
10. Institute binding referendums about important issues that arise from
citizen or government initiative. Defining both at the level of local government
and at a national level what the possible issues are and the frequency
of consultation. The process will have to go step by step from
the simplest to the most complex, and from a minimum frequency of
annual consultation to a greater frequency, in the measure that training
and the speed of participation channels progress.
11. Incorporate recall elections for removing those government officials who
perform badly when a certain percentage of the electorate votes for it.
12. Incorporate a law of political responsibility in virtue of which, before an
election, candidates will have to set out the commitments they want to
implement on assuming their posts, and removing them in the case that
their commitments aren’t fulfilled.
13. Direct election through popular vote for judges and police chiefs with
a calendar that’s different from the one for legislative and executive
14. Incorporation of participatory budgets at a local level and consultations
on general budget items at regional and national levels.
15. Binding referendums on international issues, whether this be on decisions
of national foreign policy, or global and regional decisions, in
the framework of dynamic international complementation towards the
Universal Human Nation.

Mixed economics
1. Deepen the questioning of capitalist and neoliberal economic paradigms,
such as the trickle-down effect, market self-regulation, bank interest
and the cult of private property.
2. Instil the paradigm of ‘equal rights and equal opportunities for all’, explaining
its real meaning, foundations and consequences.
3. End the financial drain of company profits to speculation and usury
and force their productive reinvestment through the application of a
tax scale on profits with rates inversely proportional to the percentage
of reinvestment and the generation of jobs.
4. Creation of a decentralised, interest-free State Bank that starts to operate
with State Banks and which is financed with public money, private
savings and an expansionary policy of the central bank.
5. A scaled channelling of private savings towards the interest-free State
Bank, starting with the nationalisation of bankrupt banks, followed by
the redirection of all current account deposits to State banks, and continuing
with the removal of guarantees for deposits in private banks that
don’t comply with strict regulation or that don’t finance production.
6. An absolute ban on usury and speculation, putting the entire financial
system at the service of development, reducing to its minimum expression,
and taking away all central bank protection from, private banks
that don’t integrate into the project.
7. A precise expansionary monetary policy targeted to the financing of
planned productive projects in coordination between the public and
private sectors.
8. The formation of Local Development Committees at the local level
made up of education centres, companies, the workforce, the unemployed
and government sectors with the aim of designing and setting
up productive projects to strengthen the area’s capacities, coordinated
with the national and regional economy.
9. Adapt labour laws to promote a gradual participation of the workforce
in company profits, property and decision-making, seeking a balance
between the rights of the entrepreneur in terms of their investment and
the rights of employees in terms of their integral contribution to the
functioning of the company.
10. Improve the distribution of income at source: that of the workforce
through participation in a percentage of profits; and that of the small
and medium-sized productive business owners through the dismantling
of monopolies that appropriate most of the value chain.
11. Dismantle monopolies through strict regulation and, above all, through
the drive of multiple new companies in monopolised areas of the economy,
supporting them with financing, industrial promotion and training
in an action which is coordinated between the State and the small and
medium-sized businesses.
12. Dismantle cartels that exploit small producers by generating cooperatives
with greater negotiating strength and promote the diversification
of actors in national and international trade.
13. Awareness campaigns about media manipulation exercised by the biggest
brands to condition the consumer and achieve a market monopoly
with disproportionate profitability with respect to the production cost.
14. Regulation of capital markets, avoiding speculative investment, establishing minimum terms between the purchase and sale of shares and
charging a levy on every transaction.
15. Plan general productive development by looking to transform the consumerist and natural-resource-plundering matrix into one of rational
and balanced consumption for all sectors of society. Strengthen growth
in the areas of services, optimise healthcare, education and research.

Cultural paradigms
1. Question the values of anti-humanism, such as violence in all fields,
individualism and consumerism, and the lack of solidarity, through all
possible media channels. Typifying anti-humanist behaviour in a ‘catalogue
of human stupidity’ that helps every individual to internalise the
need for change.
2. Implement ‘Education for Nonviolence’ in all levels of education. Propose
‘resistance to all kinds of violence’ as a behavioural hallmark.
3. Create awareness about changing values, not through moralist preaching
but rather through the actions that have to do with any Universal
Human Nation project.
4. Create awareness that humanist values are universal and as such involve
the relationships we have with those closest to us and with all
other inhabitants on the planet as well.
5. Strengthen a fondness for the Golden Rule, ‘Treat others the way you
would like to be treated’, as the greatest internal reference for conduct
in all individuals.

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