Category: blog

Invitation to the world interchange chat of 20th June 2020

Dear FriendsDuring the last encounter on the 30/05 and 31/05, with the participation of more than one thousand friends, we shared enriching exchanges and interesting images for the future.The need of many to meet again in the joint spirit of convergence led to proposals for new meetings, collective actions, communication networks and other initiatives.To continue
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Invitation to build a New Humanity

Humankind experiences a chaos which reflects its internal disharmony. We say that the human being –even if doesn’t not want – acts against what is felt, feels against what is thought and thinks against what is acted. So, the human being is continuously living without internal harmony, acting violently. We state that essentially the human
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    First world virtual meeting of Universal Humanism

    Faced with the worldwide crisis and the impossibility of holding face-to-face forums, many humanists have asked themselves how to move forward in this situation. Some of us have proposed the realization of virtual meetings, to reflect, exchange and converge, and in this way strengthen the signal of Universalist Humanism in the world. This is how
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